CS 1.6 yang bakalan ane share udah +BOT'a (komputer) jdi sobat blogger tidak usah hawatir lagi apabila di rumahnya ga ada coneksi internetnya.
nieh sekalian ane shar cheatnya:
langkah pertama tekan dulu tombol yang ada di atas TAB ato tanda seperti di dalam kurung (`),nah apabila udah muncul kotak dialog'a maka masukan cheat yang ada di bawah ini.lambert = See things brightly without flashlight
mp_c4timer <1-100> = SetC4 timer
sv_clienttrace 9999 = Hyper auto-aim enabled
sv_clienttrace 0000 = Hyper auto-aim disabled
adjust crosshair = Change crosshair color
crosshair <1-5> = Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting
mp_freezetime = Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6/1
mp_roundtime <3-15> = Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 51
mp_friendlyfire<0 or 1> = Toggle friendly fire
mp_timelimit = Set minutes between map rotations, default is 01
mp_footsteps <0 or 1> = Toggle footsteps, default is 1/1
mp_flashlight <0 or 1> = Toggle flashlight use, default is 1/1
cl_observercrosshair <0 or 1> = Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1
timeleft = Reveal how much time is left on the map
dm <0 or 1> = Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1
ghosts <0 or 1> = Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0
ah <0 or 1> = Toggle auto-help hint messages, default is 1
sv_clienttrace 999999999 = All shots will hit, default is 1
impulse101 $16,000
r_lightmap 1 = Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution
net_graph <0 or 1> = Toggle graph
cvarlist or cmdlist = List cheat commands, press [Page Up] or [Page Down] to scroll
unbind = Unbind key command
kill = Suicide
give spaceweapon_awp = Arctic sniper rifle
sv_aim = Auto-aim with sniper rifle
sv_gravity = Adjust gravity
gl_zmax <0-9999> = Adjust wall and object density; default is 3600
gl_zmax 0 = See and fire through walls and objects
cl_hidefrags 0 = View other players' frags
cl_forwardspeed 999 = Faster forward motion
cl_backspeed 999 = Faster backwards motion
cl_sidespeed 999 = Faster side motion
changelevel = Level select
give = Get indicated item
skin = Change skins
+reload = Auto-reload enabled
-reload = Auto-reload disabled
-numericping = Show ping as numbers
sv_airaccelerate -9999 = Fast Jumping
God = Makes you invincible
mp_startmoney 16000 = Start with 16000
hud_fastswitch (0 or 1) = Allows you to toggle switching weapons faster
sv_wateraccelerate 999 = Allows to walk faster in water
sv_waterfriction = sets the friction in water
sv_wateraccelerate = sets how fast you accelerate in water
sv_stopspeed = sets how fast you stop running
sv_friction = sets the friction of the game
sv_clipmode 1 = no clipping
sv_airaccelerate = sets how fast you accelerate in air
mp_startmoney = change your starting money in-game!
mp_c4timer = sets time on C4 charge
mp_buytime = sets time to buy items
sv_maxspeed = set max running speed
sv_accelerate = sets acceleration
sv_cheats 1 = cheats on
sv_bounce = ???unknown
pausable 1 = enables pausing(not reccomended)
mp_roundtime = sets round time
mp_flashlight 1 = flashlight on
mp_autokick 1 = turn on auto kick in game
mp_allowmonsters 1 = single player enemies visible
coop = sets the mode to co-op
deathmatch = sets the mode to deathmatch
net_address = Shows server IP and port
hud_deathnoticetime 9999 = Shows the last 4 kills of either team
sv_restartround 1 = The game restarts after 1 second
gl_spriteblend <0-1> = Enables blood thickening
decalfrequency 0 = Enables unlimited spraying
Bot_zombie 1 = Bots Become Zombies
Notarget = Invisible To Enemies
Fly = Enables You To Fly
noclip = Go Through Walls
mp_c4timer <1-100> = SetC4 timer
sv_clienttrace 9999 = Hyper auto-aim enabled
sv_clienttrace 0000 = Hyper auto-aim disabled
adjust crosshair = Change crosshair color
crosshair <1-5> = Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting
mp_freezetime = Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6/1
mp_roundtime <3-15> = Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 51
mp_friendlyfire<0 or 1> = Toggle friendly fire
mp_timelimit = Set minutes between map rotations, default is 01
mp_footsteps <0 or 1> = Toggle footsteps, default is 1/1
mp_flashlight <0 or 1> = Toggle flashlight use, default is 1/1
cl_observercrosshair <0 or 1> = Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1
timeleft = Reveal how much time is left on the map
dm <0 or 1> = Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1
ghosts <0 or 1> = Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0
ah <0 or 1> = Toggle auto-help hint messages, default is 1
sv_clienttrace 999999999 = All shots will hit, default is 1
impulse101 $16,000
r_lightmap 1 = Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution
net_graph <0 or 1> = Toggle graph
cvarlist or cmdlist = List cheat commands, press [Page Up] or [Page Down] to scroll
unbind = Unbind key command
kill = Suicide
give spaceweapon_awp = Arctic sniper rifle
sv_aim = Auto-aim with sniper rifle
sv_gravity = Adjust gravity
gl_zmax <0-9999> = Adjust wall and object density; default is 3600
gl_zmax 0 = See and fire through walls and objects
cl_hidefrags 0 = View other players' frags
cl_forwardspeed 999 = Faster forward motion
cl_backspeed 999 = Faster backwards motion
cl_sidespeed 999 = Faster side motion
changelevel = Level select
give = Get indicated item
skin = Change skins
+reload = Auto-reload enabled
-reload = Auto-reload disabled
-numericping = Show ping as numbers
sv_airaccelerate -9999 = Fast Jumping
God = Makes you invincible
mp_startmoney 16000 = Start with 16000
hud_fastswitch (0 or 1) = Allows you to toggle switching weapons faster
sv_wateraccelerate 999 = Allows to walk faster in water
sv_waterfriction = sets the friction in water
sv_wateraccelerate = sets how fast you accelerate in water
sv_stopspeed = sets how fast you stop running
sv_friction = sets the friction of the game
sv_clipmode 1 = no clipping
sv_airaccelerate = sets how fast you accelerate in air
mp_startmoney = change your starting money in-game!
mp_c4timer = sets time on C4 charge
mp_buytime = sets time to buy items
sv_maxspeed = set max running speed
sv_accelerate = sets acceleration
sv_cheats 1 = cheats on
sv_bounce = ???unknown
pausable 1 = enables pausing(not reccomended)
mp_roundtime = sets round time
mp_flashlight 1 = flashlight on
mp_autokick 1 = turn on auto kick in game
mp_allowmonsters 1 = single player enemies visible
coop = sets the mode to co-op
deathmatch = sets the mode to deathmatch
net_address = Shows server IP and port
hud_deathnoticetime 9999 = Shows the last 4 kills of either team
sv_restartround 1 = The game restarts after 1 second
gl_spriteblend <0-1> = Enables blood thickening
decalfrequency 0 = Enables unlimited spraying
Bot_zombie 1 = Bots Become Zombies
Notarget = Invisible To Enemies
Fly = Enables You To Fly
noclip = Go Through Walls
1.Apabila cheatnya ga berjalan maka anda coba keitkan terlebih dahulu cheat yg satu ini "sv_cheats 1" yg pastinya tanda petiknya jngan di bawalah.hehehe,baru masukan cheat" yg sudah saya berikan.
2.di dalam kotak cheat Tulisan yg warna BIRU itu cheanya,sedangkan yg warna MERAH itu effectnya.
Sumber Cheat CS 1.6
dan ini link DOWNLOADANYA Disini
Link downloadanya ane nemu soalnya ane blom ngupload gamenya soalnya agak lama jga ngupload 200Mb.hehehe
Tapi di jamin gamenya 100% bakalan jalan,
nieh spek komputer minimalnya:
Windows(r) 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0
Pentium 133+, 24 MB RAM
SVGA, high color (16-bit)
2x CD-ROM drive
Windows-compatible sound card
Mouse, keyboard
Pentium 133+, 24 MB RAM
SVGA, high color (16-bit)
2x CD-ROM drive
Windows-compatible sound card
Mouse, keyboard
Semoga apa yg ane share ini bermanfaat bagi sobat Blogger, see u next post.
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